SREDX Personas

Innovator Irene
  • Background: R&D manager at a mid-sized manufacturing company.

  • Needs: Reliable R&D outcomes to propose new products and improve processes.

  • Pain Points: Faced with skepticism from management about R&D costs and returns.

  • Why "Result or No Cost": Irene can justify R&D expenses to her superiors with a results-based costing model, strengthening her position and potentially her company's competitiveness.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Startup Steve
  • Background: Founder of a tech startup, operating on a tight budget with limited access to upfront capital.

  • Needs: Cost-effective R&D solutions, with financial predictability to maintain cash flow.

  • Pain Points: Cannot afford to invest in R&D without guaranteed results, wary of unforeseen expenses.

  • Why "Result or No Cost": Steve's startup can engage in R&D without the financial risk, ensuring he only pays if the SR&ED service yields results.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Researcher Rachel
  • Background: Lead researcher at a biotech firm, focused on groundbreaking medical discoveries.

  • Needs: Access to advanced research methods and technologies without compromising her budget.

  • Pain Points: Frustrated by the limitation of funds which hampers her ability to conduct potentially revolutionary experiments.

  • Why "Result or No Cost": Rachel can pursue ambitious research projects knowing that she won't deplete her resources on fruitless endeavors.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
CFO Fiona
  • Background: Chief Financial Officer for a large enterprise, responsible for budgeting and cost management.

  • Needs: To allocate funds efficiently and reduce wasteful spending.

  • Pain Points: Concerned about the impact of unproductive R&D on the company’s financials.

  • Why "Result or No Cost": Fiona can adopt an SR&ED service that aligns with her fiscal prudence, offering a no-risk investment in innovation.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Entrepreneur Eric
  • Background: Serial entrepreneur with multiple ventures, always looking for the next big innovation.

  • Needs: A quick turnaround on R&D to stay ahead in fast-paced markets.

  • Pain Points: Traditional R&D investment models are too slow and uncertain for his dynamic business style.

  • Why "Result or No Cost": Eric benefits from aligning R&D costs directly with successful outcomes, allowing him to pivot rapidly and efficiently.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building